Rape victim advocate lawyers can file civil law suits to seek damages for your rape or sexual assault. Civil lawsuits (or personal injury) are an often overlooked option for rape and sex abuse victims. Survivors of rape and sex abuse often face financial losses caused by medical treatment, missed work, moving, therapy, self care and other costs that stem from their assault. Civil law suits can help rape victims recover money to help them on their road to recovery.
Who Can You Hold Responsible for Your Assault?
The person or people who raped or sexually assaulted the victim is the primary person responsible. However, there can be other people or businesses that may be responsible depending on the circumstances of the assault. Some examples are:
- Landlords if they knew of a problem that led to the assault but failed to take steps to fix it (ie – failing to fix a broken front door or window that allowed the assailant to enter the building an assault the victim);
- Wardens and Prisons if there were sexually assaulted inmates who were assaulted;
- Employers if the assault took place at a workplace or work event depending on the circumstances.
- Nursing homes/hospitals/psychiatric treatment facilities who fail to protect patients when there has been a prior sexual assault and they do not take steps to prevent the same action from reoccurring.
What Makes A Good Civil Lawsuit?
To have a successful case you need to have three elements: liability; damages; and collection. Often the most difficult part of a civil case is collections. While there are people who were clearly raped or sexually abused and suffer damages from that assault, if you can not collect damages (money) then why bother? Determining if there is a potential case can be tricky. This is why you should consult our firm to speak to a rape victim advocate lawyer and go over the details of your case.
What Steps Should You Take First?
Seek immediate medical care after an sexual assault. Your physical safety is extremely important and should be protected. Also there could be important evidence that a medical exam will collect and properly preserve as evidence. Rape and sex assault victims should work with police and prosecutors to pursue criminal actions. Both criminal and civil cases need properly preserved evidence for a case to go forward. Victims also may need therapy to help deal with the stress of a civil suit. It is important to make sure that clients are not victimized all over again by the legal process. This is why it import to speak to your rape victim advocate lawyer in determine what course of action you should take.
When considering a civil case, victims should also be aware of the statute of limitations for a civil case. If you want to pursue a civil suit, contact us today to set up an appointment and discuss your case.