I care about struggle that rape and sexual abuse survivors face. Recovery can feel isolating. I am building this firm to help survivors who find they need a voice and help on their road to recovery.
Rape Victim Advocate
Understanding what legal actions you can take and what those possible civil or criminal actions could mean for you is knowledge. Knowledge is power.
While I wish that rape and abuse were infrequent, the reality of the world can not be denied.
There are 25 million rape survivors in the United State right now and that every 73 seconds someone is sexually assaulted. One out of every three women and one in six men will be raped in their lifetime.
My firm understands that after your attack or attacks survivors often face financial burdens which hinder recovery. The CDC estimates that in a survivors lifetime the cost of rape is $122,461. The immediate medical costs for survivors who seek care is $2,084 on average. It is unconscionable that on top of the abuse, survivors often feel that they need to carry the cost of their recovery alone. There are legal options to help you recover funds needed for recovery.
I have spent over a decade fighting for people who feel trapped and without voice in the legal system. When trying to heal people need a break and to have someone to take up their battle and fight for them. This firm is here to advocate for you in court so that you can focus on yourself and healing.
There are 25 million rape survivors in the United State right now
Every 73 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in the United States
The CDC estimates that in a survivors lifetime the cost of rape is $122,461
The immediate medical costs for survivors who seek care is $2,084 on average
Can I Recover Monitary Damages For Rape?
Criminal court is not a rape survivors only option when going forward. Civil lawsuits can recover damages, medical expenses, lost work, moving expenses and funds for longer term care from the perpetrator as well as potentially others who owned or had responsibility for the crime. Know what your rights and options are going forward. Contact us for a confidential and free consultation.
What are the chances a civil lawsuit will work in my favor?
To have a successful case you need to have three elements: liability; damages; and collection. Often the most difficult part of a civil case is collections. While there are cases where people who were clearly raped or sexually abused and suffer damage, there may be no means to collect money from a judgement. Determining if there is a potential case can be tricky. This is why you should consult our firm to go over the details of your case and discuss your options.
How to work with me:
Step 1
Call or schedule an appointment to meet with an attorney.
Step 2
I will confidentially listen to you so that we can determine what type of justice you would like to pursue.
Step 3
I will propose options on how to proceed and I will help you get the type of justice you seek.
Contact the Aubrey Harris Law Firm
Victims of rape, sexual harassment, and human trafficking face countless challenges as they recover from trauma and seek justice through the court system. Our team will treat your experience with the seriousness it deserves, providing the expertise and guidance you need regarding what to expect from investigators and the courts, as well as the best steps to take to achieve justice and move forward with your life. We can also represent victims of sexual harassment, rape, and human trafficking pursue justice through civil suits.
Contact the Aubrey Harris Law Firm at 504-233-8118 to speak with a compassionate member of our victim advocacy team today.